GATE KEEPING Keepers: Ina, T’ggar, Arc, Tommy, and Tinkersdamn: Mission: Interview and investigate the Guild of Starlight and Shadow about the Closed Circle, a group of mages that had supposedly been disbanded ages ago Objective: We discovered that at least some mages were still active ibn the Closed Circle. In our latest mission “Gatekeeping”, we […]
Blood of the beast – Xander
First visit for Xander to the Talenta Plains and first time seeing Dinosaurs as well. Couple day train ride to get there which honestly was the most enjoyable part. Things are not well in the plains or the halfling people there. Note: it is not safe to sleep in the open plains! While we were […]
Blood Poisons the Land
Rampaging bands of dinosaurs corrupted by the demon blood mixture known as Nadai have been growing in my homeland. I could not sit idly by as this sickness infects the great plains so I hopped on the lightning rail with allies to attempt to cut off the source of this blight. We emerge from the […]
Love in the Time of Dinosaurs
Love is in the air at Arawai’s Festival Day, in many more ways than one may initially perceive. It appears that some of the dinosaurs at the sky parade hosted by House Vidalis were seeking more lust than love, as they started to listen to their loins more than their handlers. Fortunately, the Accord Keepers […]