H.L. d’Sivis LOWER DURA – Reluctantly crouched at the starting line, late arrivals to the hottest new event of the lower districts must content themselves with only the briefest of glimpses at the motorcycle ‘jockeys’ taking their places to prepare.  There is a distinctive rhythm and low bass counterpoint to the engines pumping and thumping […]

Posted on Zor, Olarune 5, 999 YK in C1S4 by H.L. d'Sivis

T’ain’t Nothing But A Heartache

Blood in the Ballroom. Keepers: Keepers: Barnelbus Caprenicus, Ratha, Gregorious Redmagic, Tommy and Tinkersdamn Objectives: Gather information from the 60 Families, Sharn’s elite movers and shakers, and present a dignified and social presence of the Keepers.Mission: Mingle with the 60 most elite families at the annual Tain Gala To this end, on the day before […]

Posted on Sul, Olarune 1, 999 YK in C1S3,Chapter 1 by Tinkersdamn

Terrorist Attack Thwarted by Accord Keepers

Keepers: Gregorius Redmagic, Tommy, Tinkersdam, Barnelbus Caprenicus, Ratha Objective: Collect intelligence information from rich partygoers Outcome: As far as information collection is concerned, this mission was an absolute bust. Shortly after our arrival, armed terrorist held the entire party hostage with firearms. We were able to defeat the leader of the terrorist cell, as Barnelbus […]

Posted on Sar, Zarantyr 28, 999 YK in C1S3,Chapter 1 by Gregorius Redmagic

Keepers: Gregorius Redmagic, Barnelbus Caprenicus, Ina, Sollyn Jhaelian, Torn Viphonastar, Henley Lytton d’Sylvis Objectives: To have fun. I guess. Really just scouting the city to get the lay of the land. Outcome: Nothing of pressing import to report. Simply general information about the city. We were ordered by Abernathy Darwin Dunlap to go out and […]

Posted on Sar, Zarantyr 28, 999 YK in C1S2,Chapter 1 by Gregorius Redmagic

The Train Job – a druid’s account

Keepers: @Belladonna Tanglefoot @N-D311@Barnelbus Caprenicus @Velcro @T’ggarObjectives: Escort our VIP along the lightning rail from Thrane to SharnOutcome: After thwarting multiple assassination attempts, VIP code named “Mixmaster Flash” was successfully delivered to Sharn. The team was tasked with escorting a house Cannith VIP code named “Mixmaster Flash” to Sharn via lightning rail. “Mixmaster” was unpleasant, […]

Posted on Wir, Zarantyr 25, 999 YK in C1S1 by Endel (N-D311)
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Death Race

We receive a tip about a crime syndicate running illegal underground death races in the lower streets of Sharn, brutal affairs with death, gambling and punk rock. The kind of thing I never knew I wanted. The tip says that Bubba Graham runs this show, so we start scouring the streets hoping to get close […]

Posted on Sul, Zarantyr 22, 999 YK in C1S4,Chapter 1 by Helios
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The Train Job – Meet the Accord Keepers

A washed up soldier, a wooden warforged, an exuberant bard, a paladin, and a goth druid walk into a bar car. It sounds like the start of a bad joke, but this was, in fact, the party of Accord Keepers tasked with escorting a VIP safely to Sharn. The Keepers do truly welcome any and […]

Posted on Sul, Zarantyr 22, 999 YK in C1S1,Chapter 1 by Belladonna Tanglefoot
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A Half Dozen Things To Do In Sharn (When You’re a New Kid On The Block)

The City of Towers is well known across Khorvaire as a metropolis like no other – a hub of commerce, transport, culture, learning, and industry that rises all the way from underground depths to the very sky itself.  Thanks to a manifest zone of the plane Syrania, the Azure Sky, the layers upon layers of […]

Posted on Sar, Zarantyr 21, 999 YK in C1S2,Chapter 1 by H.L. d'Sivis