The Ice Age is Coming (Hollywood’s Perspective)

Keepers: Tommy, Lola, Clayton, Helios, Hollywood DM: Judy Objectives: Observe and report Outcome: Threat assessed, allies made The Eldeen reaches may be a cold backwood, but I must say it was still a quite lovely opportunity to enrich my acting skills, and to overcome some of my own baggage. Our task was to investigate the […]

Posted on Sar, Zarantyr 28, 999 YK in Chapter 1 by Hollywood
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The Train Job: Report of Gregorius Redmagic

Keepers: Gregorius Redmagic, Tommy, Lloyde Draconis, Eura, Clayton d’Vadalis Objective: Protect an unidentified VIP. A very poorly defined objective, as we had no way of identifying the man we were told to protect. Outcome: En route to the lightning rail, the carriage in front of us was attacked by a cabal of evil druids who […]

Posted on Sar, Zarantyr 28, 999 YK in C1S1,Chapter 1 by Gregorius Redmagic

I ain’t pickin’ no flowers-Rath’s account

C1S4 – DM Judy We travelled to Varna in the Elden Reaches and were warned that there would be no opportunity to get supplies in Greenheart. So Xtopher Robin got healing potions, I learned there was a Princess Donuts so I got some and NDell got some herb and barley seeds so he could greenify […]

Posted on Wir, Zarantyr 25, 999 YK in C1S4 by krissmelser
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The Train Job – A Personal Account from an Accord Keeper

With edit notes for Accord Keeper privacy. Please review for classified information before sending to the Observer. Also, censor all of Clayton’s cursing! Mission: Train JobAccord Keepers: Gregorius, Tommy, Lloyde, Eura, and Clayton [REDACTED]Objectives: Protect an anonymous VIPOutcome:After we were given our objectives and travel tokens by Saoirse our handler, me and our ragtag group […]

Posted on Wir, Zarantyr 25, 999 YK in C1S1,Chapter 1 by Clayton d'Vadalis

The Ice Age is Coming

We met up with a shifter contact who said he could guide us into the region where the Children of Winter are most active, an area with thin planar boundaries called the Gloaming. On the edge of the Duskwoods we run into a sympathetic druid from the Wardens of the Wood named Geth, we hear […]

Posted on Sul, Zarantyr 22, 999 YK in C1S2,Chapter 1 by Helios
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