Love in the Time of Dinosaurs

Love is in the air at Arawai’s Festival Day, in many more ways than one may initially perceive. It appears that some of the dinosaurs at the sky parade hosted by House Vidalis were seeking more lust than love, as they started to listen to their loins more than their handlers. Fortunately, the Accord Keepers […]

Posted on Sul, Zarantyr 22, 999 YK in C1S2,Chapter 1 by Belladonna Tanglefoot
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The Train Job – Meet the Accord Keepers

A washed up soldier, a wooden warforged, an exuberant bard, a paladin, and a goth druid walk into a bar car. It sounds like the start of a bad joke, but this was, in fact, the party of Accord Keepers tasked with escorting a VIP safely to Sharn. The Keepers do truly welcome any and […]

Posted on Sul, Zarantyr 22, 999 YK in C1S1,Chapter 1 by Belladonna Tanglefoot
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Pandemonium at the Night Market

We started on the doorstep of house Phiarlan, trying to get an audience with Rosalina and ask her about the trade of Nadai through Sharn and beyond. We find her demoing magical guitar picks with transformation magic allowing them to appear nonmagical. Additionally, they can be activated the switch remotely. Combining that information with the […]

Posted on Sul, Zarantyr 22, 999 YK in C1S3,Chapter 1 by Helios
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The Ice Age is Coming

We met up with a shifter contact who said he could guide us into the region where the Children of Winter are most active, an area with thin planar boundaries called the Gloaming. On the edge of the Duskwoods we run into a sympathetic druid from the Wardens of the Wood named Geth, we hear […]

Posted on Sul, Zarantyr 22, 999 YK in C1S2,Chapter 1 by Helios
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Need a second set of eyes on your contract? Dorran’s Document Review ensures your agreements are airtight. Discreet, reliable, and fast. Located in Upper Tavick’s Landing. Got a stuck lock or a broken latch? Trust Kord’s Key & Lock for quick, non-magical solutions to all your security needs. Licensed by the Sharn Locksmiths’ Guild. Tired […]

Posted on Sul, Zarantyr 22, 999 YK in C1S4,Chapter 1 by Editor in Chief

A Half Dozen Things To Do In Sharn (When You’re a New Kid On The Block)

The City of Towers is well known across Khorvaire as a metropolis like no other – a hub of commerce, transport, culture, learning, and industry that rises all the way from underground depths to the very sky itself.  Thanks to a manifest zone of the plane Syrania, the Azure Sky, the layers upon layers of […]

Posted on Sar, Zarantyr 21, 999 YK in C1S2,Chapter 1 by H.L. d'Sivis

Attempted Murder On The Orien Express

Sharn – A quartet of assassins tracking a VIP on the lightning rail route from Wroat to Sharn were thwarted by the quick thinking and tactics of a new organization known as the Accord Keepers this week. Having been made aware of threats to the life of the being they were tasked to escort, the […]

Posted on Sar, Zarantyr 21, 999 YK in C1S1,Chapter 1 by H.L. d'Sivis

Chaos at the Night Market

A benefit and awareness concert designed to draw attention to a pernicious new drug on the streets of Sharn ended in tragedy this week when an unknown spellcaster interrupted the proceedings by turning two of the participants into eldritch abominations.

Posted on Far, Zarantyr 20, 999 YK in C1S3,Chapter 1 by H.L. d'Sivis

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Posted on Far, Zarantyr 20, 999 YK in C1S3,Chapter 1 by Editor in Chief