Keepers: Gregorius Redmagic, Barnelbus Caprenicus, Jinnis d’Kundarak, Xander, Sasha Novikov d’Phiarlan Objective: Security Detail at a fundraiser, for the purposes of battling a dangerous drug cartel Outcome: We arrived at the party, looking quite fantastic, and began to greet the guests. Barnelbus saw that Gia Ima was already getting to work on the dance floor, […]
Terrorist Attack Thwarted by Accord Keepers
Keepers: Gregorius Redmagic, Tommy, Tinkersdam, Barnelbus Caprenicus, Ratha Objective: Collect intelligence information from rich partygoers Outcome: As far as information collection is concerned, this mission was an absolute bust. Shortly after our arrival, armed terrorist held the entire party hostage with firearms. We were able to defeat the leader of the terrorist cell, as Barnelbus […]
The Train Job: Report of Gregorius Redmagic
Keepers: Gregorius Redmagic, Tommy, Lloyde Draconis, Eura, Clayton d’Vadalis Objective: Protect an unidentified VIP. A very poorly defined objective, as we had no way of identifying the man we were told to protect. Outcome: En route to the lightning rail, the carriage in front of us was attacked by a cabal of evil druids who […]
Keepers: Gregorius Redmagic, Barnelbus Caprenicus, Ina, Sollyn Jhaelian, Torn Viphonastar, Henley Lytton d’Sylvis Objectives: To have fun. I guess. Really just scouting the city to get the lay of the land. Outcome: Nothing of pressing import to report. Simply general information about the city. We were ordered by Abernathy Darwin Dunlap to go out and […]
I ain’t pickin’ no flowers-Rath’s account
C1S4 – DM Judy We travelled to Varna in the Elden Reaches and were warned that there would be no opportunity to get supplies in Greenheart. So Xtopher Robin got healing potions, I learned there was a Princess Donuts so I got some and NDell got some herb and barley seeds so he could greenify […]
The Train Job – A Personal Account from an Accord Keeper
With edit notes for Accord Keeper privacy. Please review for classified information before sending to the Observer. Also, censor all of Clayton’s cursing! Mission: Train JobAccord Keepers: Gregorius, Tommy, Lloyde, Eura, and Clayton [REDACTED]Objectives: Protect an anonymous VIPOutcome:After we were given our objectives and travel tokens by Saoirse our handler, me and our ragtag group […]
The Masque of ???? – Xander
This was Xander’s first mission as an accord keeper. By no means a fighter, this halfling bard was in his element in such a social situation. Our mission of keeping an eye on a fundraiser in the fight against the drug Nadia. Not a great sign when guests of the party and even accord keepers […]
Revulsions in Wroat
Dol Arrah, protect me from The Shadow. The horrors that lurk in Wroat are vile almost beyond comprehension. It was on Sar, the 21st of Zarantyr, our contact asked us to follow the leads picked up after the events that transpired at the Royal Breland Inn the week prior. We took the lightning rail to […]
Nadai in the Night Market
Nadai continues to infect society within Sharn, and the Accord Keepers are investigating. It appears that House Phiarlan has been crafting magically enchanted guitar picks that can appear non-magical on command. Not only that, but they can be commanded to do so at a distance. Rosalina the Bard demonstrated this to our Accord Keepers, with […]