Fiendish Abduction Plot Afloat!

Keepers: Sollyn Jhaelian, ND11, Velcro, Gregorious Redmagic, Tommy, Tinkersdamn Mission: Travel to Mistmarch Town in Breland and discover why their children are disappearing. Outcome: Successful recovery of the missing children and the discovery of a powerful alliance of Druids. The Mayor of Mistmarch Town called on us in after they had already made a thorough […]

Posted on Sar, Olarune 7, 999 YK in C1S5 by Tinkersdamn

Blood Poisons the Land

Rampaging bands of dinosaurs corrupted by the demon blood mixture known as Nadai have been growing in my homeland. I could not sit idly by as this sickness infects the great plains so I hopped on the lightning rail with allies to attempt to cut off the source of this blight. We emerge from the […]

Posted on Sul, Olarune 1, 999 YK in C1S5,Chapter 1 by Helios
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