H.L. d’Sivis LOWER DURA – Reluctantly crouched at the starting line, late arrivals to the hottest new event of the lower districts must content themselves with only the briefest of glimpses at the motorcycle ‘jockeys’ taking their places to prepare.  There is a distinctive rhythm and low bass counterpoint to the engines pumping and thumping […]

Posted on Zor, Olarune 5, 999 YK in C1S4 by H.L. d'Sivis

Gate Keeping

GATE KEEPING   Keepers: Ina, T’ggar, Arc, Tommy, and Tinkersdamn:  Mission: Interview and investigate the Guild of Starlight and Shadow about the Closed Circle, a group of mages that had supposedly been disbanded ages ago Objective: We discovered that at least some mages were still active ibn the Closed Circle. In our latest mission “Gatekeeping”, we […]

Posted on Sul, Olarune 1, 999 YK in C1S4,Chapter 1 by Tinkersdamn

Blood of the beast – Xander

First visit for Xander to the Talenta Plains and first time seeing Dinosaurs as well. Couple day train ride to get there which honestly was the most enjoyable part. Things are not well in the plains or the halfling people there. Note: it is not safe to sleep in the open plains! While we were […]

Posted on Sul, Olarune 1, 999 YK in C1S4 by Xander
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Drug-dealing Artist Successfully Captured!

Keepers: Gregorius Redmagic, Barnelbus Caprenicus, Jinnis d’Kundarak, Xander, Sasha Novikov d’Phiarlan Objective: Security Detail at a fundraiser, for the purposes of battling a dangerous drug cartel Outcome: We arrived at the party, looking quite fantastic, and began to greet the guests. Barnelbus saw that Gia Ima was already getting to work on the dance floor, […]

Posted on Sar, Zarantyr 28, 999 YK in C1S4,Chapter 1 by Gregorius Redmagic

I ain’t pickin’ no flowers-Rath’s account

C1S4 – DM Judy We travelled to Varna in the Elden Reaches and were warned that there would be no opportunity to get supplies in Greenheart. So Xtopher Robin got healing potions, I learned there was a Princess Donuts so I got some and NDell got some herb and barley seeds so he could greenify […]

Posted on Wir, Zarantyr 25, 999 YK in C1S4 by krissmelser
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The Masque of ???? – Xander

This was Xander’s first mission as an accord keeper. By no means a fighter, this halfling bard was in his element in such a social situation. Our mission of keeping an eye on a fundraiser in the fight against the drug Nadia. Not a great sign when guests of the party and even accord keepers […]

Posted on Sul, Zarantyr 22, 999 YK in C1S4 by Xander
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Revulsions in Wroat

Dol Arrah, protect me from The Shadow. The horrors that lurk in Wroat are vile almost beyond comprehension. It was on Sar, the 21st of Zarantyr, our contact asked us to follow the leads picked up after the events that transpired at the Royal Breland Inn the week prior. We took the lightning rail to […]

Posted on Sul, Zarantyr 22, 999 YK in C1S4,Chapter 1 by Belladonna Tanglefoot
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Death Race

We receive a tip about a crime syndicate running illegal underground death races in the lower streets of Sharn, brutal affairs with death, gambling and punk rock. The kind of thing I never knew I wanted. The tip says that Bubba Graham runs this show, so we start scouring the streets hoping to get close […]

Posted on Sul, Zarantyr 22, 999 YK in C1S4,Chapter 1 by Helios
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Need a second set of eyes on your contract? Dorran’s Document Review ensures your agreements are airtight. Discreet, reliable, and fast. Located in Upper Tavick’s Landing. Got a stuck lock or a broken latch? Trust Kord’s Key & Lock for quick, non-magical solutions to all your security needs. Licensed by the Sharn Locksmiths’ Guild. Tired […]

Posted on Sul, Zarantyr 22, 999 YK in C1S4,Chapter 1 by Editor in Chief