Blood in the Ballroom. Keepers: Keepers: Barnelbus Caprenicus, Ratha, Gregorious Redmagic, Tommy and Tinkersdamn Objectives: Gather information from the 60 Families, Sharn’s elite movers and shakers, and present a dignified and social presence of the Keepers.Mission: Mingle with the 60 most elite families at the annual Tain Gala To this end, on the day before […]
Terrorist Attack Thwarted by Accord Keepers
Keepers: Gregorius Redmagic, Tommy, Tinkersdam, Barnelbus Caprenicus, Ratha Objective: Collect intelligence information from rich partygoers Outcome: As far as information collection is concerned, this mission was an absolute bust. Shortly after our arrival, armed terrorist held the entire party hostage with firearms. We were able to defeat the leader of the terrorist cell, as Barnelbus […]
Nadai in the Night Market
Nadai continues to infect society within Sharn, and the Accord Keepers are investigating. It appears that House Phiarlan has been crafting magically enchanted guitar picks that can appear non-magical on command. Not only that, but they can be commanded to do so at a distance. Rosalina the Bard demonstrated this to our Accord Keepers, with […]
Pandemonium at the Night Market
We started on the doorstep of house Phiarlan, trying to get an audience with Rosalina and ask her about the trade of Nadai through Sharn and beyond. We find her demoing magical guitar picks with transformation magic allowing them to appear nonmagical. Additionally, they can be activated the switch remotely. Combining that information with the […]
Chaos at the Night Market
A benefit and awareness concert designed to draw attention to a pernicious new drug on the streets of Sharn ended in tragedy this week when an unknown spellcaster interrupted the proceedings by turning two of the participants into eldritch abominations.
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