The Train Job: Report of Gregorius Redmagic

Keepers: Gregorius Redmagic, Tommy, Lloyde Draconis, Eura, Clayton d’Vadalis Objective: Protect an unidentified VIP. A very poorly defined objective, as we had no way of identifying the man we were told to protect. Outcome: En route to the lightning rail, the carriage in front of us was attacked by a cabal of evil druids who […]

Posted on Sar, Zarantyr 28, 999 YK in C1S1,Chapter 1 by Gregorius Redmagic

The Train Job – a druid’s account

Keepers: @Belladonna Tanglefoot @N-D311@Barnelbus Caprenicus @Velcro @T’ggarObjectives: Escort our VIP along the lightning rail from Thrane to SharnOutcome: After thwarting multiple assassination attempts, VIP code named “Mixmaster Flash” was successfully delivered to Sharn. The team was tasked with escorting a house Cannith VIP code named “Mixmaster Flash” to Sharn via lightning rail. “Mixmaster” was unpleasant, […]

Posted on Wir, Zarantyr 25, 999 YK in C1S1 by Endel (N-D311)
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The Train Job – A Personal Account from an Accord Keeper

With edit notes for Accord Keeper privacy. Please review for classified information before sending to the Observer. Also, censor all of Clayton’s cursing! Mission: Train JobAccord Keepers: Gregorius, Tommy, Lloyde, Eura, and Clayton [REDACTED]Objectives: Protect an anonymous VIPOutcome:After we were given our objectives and travel tokens by Saoirse our handler, me and our ragtag group […]

Posted on Wir, Zarantyr 25, 999 YK in C1S1,Chapter 1 by Clayton d'Vadalis

The Train Job – Meet the Accord Keepers

A washed up soldier, a wooden warforged, an exuberant bard, a paladin, and a goth druid walk into a bar car. It sounds like the start of a bad joke, but this was, in fact, the party of Accord Keepers tasked with escorting a VIP safely to Sharn. The Keepers do truly welcome any and […]

Posted on Sul, Zarantyr 22, 999 YK in C1S1,Chapter 1 by Belladonna Tanglefoot
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Attempted Murder On The Orien Express

Sharn – A quartet of assassins tracking a VIP on the lightning rail route from Wroat to Sharn were thwarted by the quick thinking and tactics of a new organization known as the Accord Keepers this week. Having been made aware of threats to the life of the being they were tasked to escort, the […]

Posted on Sar, Zarantyr 21, 999 YK in C1S1,Chapter 1 by H.L. d'Sivis