The Train Job – Meet the Accord Keepers

A washed up soldier, a wooden warforged, an exuberant bard, a paladin, and a goth druid walk into a bar car. It sounds like the start of a bad joke, but this was, in fact, the party of Accord Keepers tasked with escorting a VIP safely to Sharn. The Keepers do truly welcome any and all, and they are our new peacekeeping force throughout Khorvaire. Hopefully this diversity will give them the strength and power to carry out their missions and keep the people safe.

The Keepers boarded the rail with the VIP, codenamed “Mixmaster Flash”. While investigating the train, they located 3 assassins and a gold digger as threats to the VIP. N-D3LL, Bella, and Barnabas took care of a Blood of Vol cultist in the luggage car while Velcro and T’ggar used shields both of metal and meat to protect the VIP from a Valenarian ninja, coming close to death to protect the asset. A final zombie assassin was also dispatched.

The gold digger only wanted to kill the VIP after securing marriage to the VIP and was not deemed an immediate threat, however in a display of poor impulse control and judgement Barnabas took a drink he knew was tainted with a love potion and fell in love with the resident train cat, who was dubbed “Mister Raisins”. She was not impressed with her new moniker but consentingly agreed to be adopted by the bard in exchange for cheese. The VIP in escort turned out to be a decoy, but the mission did serve to flush out three assassins from different factions.

Posted on Sul, Zarantyr 22, 999 YK in C1S1,Chapter 1 by Belladonna Tanglefoot
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