Pandemonium at the Night Market

We started on the doorstep of house Phiarlan, trying to get an audience with Rosalina and ask her about the trade of Nadai through Sharn and beyond. We find her demoing magical guitar picks with transformation magic allowing them to appear nonmagical. Additionally, they can be activated the switch remotely. Combining that information with the potential magical properties of Nadai, this technology could be used to smuggle magical drugs past sensors undetected. We wanted to pick her brain for more information, but it seemed that she was wary to speak openly in front of the agents of house Phiarlan. She told us about a contest to meet her at the upcoming night market if we acquire enough tickets playing carnival games.

Still early in the day, we hit up some of the market stands before starting the games we pick up some delightfully magic sweets, have an enlightening chat with a brilliant hatter, and pick up some humorously specific warding items to protect from dangers such as nasty armpit sweat and nocturnal flatulence. Moving onto the carnival games we aced the dunk contest, and storytelling, before preparing a scheme for victory in the rat race. N-D311 took the form of a rat while Henley took the roll of shrunken rider, with some underhanded magical tactics they easily gain a massive lead and take the tickets. After collecting our final tickets in a drawing contest we finally get on stage with the talented Rosalina but the show is interrupted by two mysterious crowns of madness that infect some of the other contestant winners who immediately fall into a maddened stupor and they begin attacking the rest of us on stage. A mysterious individual with grey and yellowed teeth concealed by heavy clothing seems to have been behind the chaos. We dispatch the mind controlled combatants and get our meeting with Rosalina. After our chat we came away with more questions than answers, it seemed that this attack on the stage was a distraction, but for what?

Posted on Sul, Zarantyr 22, 999 YK in C1S3,Chapter 1 by Helios
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