The Train Job: Report of Gregorius Redmagic

Keepers: Gregorius Redmagic, Tommy, Lloyde Draconis, Eura, Clayton d’Vadalis

Objective: Protect an unidentified VIP. A very poorly defined objective, as we had no way of identifying the man we were told to protect.

Outcome: En route to the lightning rail, the carriage in front of us was attacked by a cabal of evil druids who summoned centipedes. Being the good guys that we are, we dismounted and provided assistance. Afterwards, it was a smooth journey to the lightning rail, and mostly uneventful for the first couple days.

We were assigned to monitor cars 18, 19, and 20. I posted myself in car 19 with Tommy, while Clayton handled car 20 by himself. Lloyde and Eura were posted in car 18, but from my understanding, Eura spent most of her time rummaging through luggage for things to steal and picking pockets than she spent keeping an eye on suspicious passengers.

Speaking of suspicious passengers, I eventually spotted a robed woman, who turned out to be a druid. It was when she mumbled a spell and disappeared that I alerted the others, and soon the fight began, the druid having transformed into a snake.

As for the fight… as no one really knew who we were supposed to protect, it was all we could do to attack the most obvious assassins, and we eventually subdued them and turned them over to the authorities for interrogation.

Afterwards, it was revealed that the mysterious passenger who we were supposed to be protecting was, in fact, a shifter, who was a double of the actual VIP. At least we were successful in apprehending a number of would-be assassins.

Posted on Sar, Zarantyr 28, 999 YK in C1S1,Chapter 1 by Gregorius Redmagic