The Train Job (Hollywood’s Perspective)

Keepers: Baldwin, Miki, Heepo, Boom Boom, Hollywood


Objectives: Keep the VIP alive, promote “Murder on the Q’barran Express”

Outcome: VIP secured.

Don’t know why the brass didn’t tell us the whole story when they trusted us with keeping The Man Himself alive, but I managed to promote my extremely popular film to him by pointing out all the similarities to my most lucrative mystery thriller. The speeding train. The mysterious passengers keeping secrets. An attempted assassination. I might even use this story to pitch a sequel to my producer!

Groups with ties to The Closed Circle, The Dragon Below, and House Tharashk were discovered and defeated by yours truly, with some help from the others of course. Baldwin the Paladin even managed to pull me from the jaws of a smashed railcar coupling, although I *surely* could have escaped on my own if he weren’t there. I’ll have to show the others my talents in Murder on the Q’barran Express to prove it.

Posted on Sar, Zarantyr 28, 999 YK in Chapter 1 by Hollywood
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