The Ice Age is Coming (Hollywood’s Perspective)

Keepers: Tommy, Lola, Clayton, Helios, Hollywood

DM: Judy

Objectives: Observe and report

Outcome: Threat assessed, allies made

The Eldeen reaches may be a cold backwood, but I must say it was still a quite lovely opportunity to enrich my acting skills, and to overcome some of my own baggage. Our task was to investigate the Children of Winter, and our only contact was a shifter… now, I am of course not afraid of anything, but I grew up during the crusades against them. I’ve woken up sweating in the night in my 30s to the sound of howls outside. I was just a baby still! But this one proved… trustworthy. Friendly even.

We befriended a druid named Geth, and between the two we located the Children of Winter and the Gloaming in short order. I hatched the clever ruse of appearing as one of their order while introducing the rest of the party as traveling merchants, and their intentions practically flowed out of them like water. The Children of Winter use the season as a metaphor for an approaching apocalypse, which they believe that the Day of Mourning signaled the approach of.

They attacked our Accord Keeper convoy out of fear that we seek the Bane of Cyre to use as our own. So long as we make it clear that this is not our intent… I do not believe that they pose us much threat. If anything, they seem interested in preventing anyone from having that power, which aligns with our goals. However, they appear to be after a particularly nasty drug called Nadai, which they intend to spread where they can to uhm… “eliminate” those who they feel are too weak to survive this coming winter. Stopping this plan and dispeling the rumor that the Accord Seekers are after that which caused the Day of Mourning should be the best ourse of action with these cultists. I believe diplomacy is possible here.

Posted on Sar, Zarantyr 28, 999 YK in Chapter 1 by Hollywood
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