Shadow Play (Starring Hollywood)
Keepers: Baldwin, Asher, Arc, Hollywood
DM: Morgan
Objectives: Determine House Thuranni involvement in assassination without betraying my household*
Outcome: Local Thuranni presence likely implicated by another unknown group; House Thuranni likely uninvolved with assassinatio
Being called in to investigate my own household is hardly my idea of a good time, but a chance to see the Shadow Playwrights in action is hardly something to sneer at.
We took a rail to Wroat and made our way to the playhouse to case the joint and collect information. After a few hours of poking around several dead ends, we found a few mysterious symbols and an undecipherable coded message. We also managed to find the Playwrights at the Royal Breland Inn, whom I managed to secure a conversation with after flashing my Thuranni ring. Capable Shadow Network agents themselves, The Director sniffed out quickly that I was investigating on behalf of the Accord Keepers, but I assured her that The House always comes first. Still, she wanted me to prove my (and collectively, our) worth before securing trust.
Having secured this lead, we went to see their show the next day, and as it began the conjured shadows took unnatural and undead form. These shades posessed the bodies of the actors, which we thankfully were able to exorcise between myself, the two paladins, and a cleric.
A short investigation of the leftover carnage showed that one of the props had been tampered with to summon these spirits, and having proven our trust we met more with The Director. We determined that another group had framed Thuranni for the assassination attempt, and that this group had the intention of wiping out this cell. We theorize it could be House Phiarlaine seeking revenge, but without evidence we have only the undeciphered code to work with.