Blood Poisons the Land
Rampaging bands of dinosaurs corrupted by the demon blood mixture known as Nadai have been growing in my homeland. I could not sit idly by as this sickness infects the great plains so I hopped on the lightning rail with allies to attempt to cut off the source of this blight. We emerge from the train in Gatherhold, yet it seemed that the once lively hub of commerce had a dark cloud over it, my fellow halflings all seemed sapped of life and joy. It seems two new powers have asserted themselves over the halflings in my absence. Lathan Halpun has gathered several tribes under his banner, and another faction, called the Scales, seems to rise in tandem. The Scales are the source of this corruption and their ranks swell as the plains are encroached upon from all sides, outlanders overhunting, the Mournlands cutting them off from potential allies, and the ferocious power of the corrupted dinosaurs.
A mysterious shaman catches me as I step off the train and hands me a Verident Reclaimer Spore, a powerful healing mushroom that seems to have the ability to counteract the bloodlust caused by Nadai. Another shaman named Uldra is our contact in the area, guiding us toward the thunderbill reservation where these corrupted dinosaurs emanate from. She lends us riding raptors and we set out to cut off the source of the corruption. We find a corrupted thunderbill, an herbivore turning onto its herd and feasting on their blood. It seems that any wounds caused by these corrupted dinosaurs spreads the bloodlust to others it contacts. We sleep and put the creature out of its misery and sneak out of the area to avoid roving scavengers.This blood corruption relates closely to the worship of the Devourer, a dark god who turned his eye to my homeland.
We continue East and find the barrow where these Scales cultists are creating this drug, a chemist combining demon’s blood with magic to create the Nadai we know and love. We scare him and I want to press him into service to create a cure, but the group remained undecided. I beg, we cannot waste time turning this man into his house authorities, this cure is needed soon. Deeper into the barrow we find a demonic ritual summoning one of the great horrors of my people’s mythos, the “Flame Mouth” an aspect of the wildfire that cycle through the planes destroying and reseeding the land. Yet this ritual calls him forth well before his time so we use everything we have to stop the ritual, yet the demonic creature performing it escapes into a fog very similar to that around the Mournlands. This isn’t over, and when the next ritual begins, I will be there to stop it.