Fiendish Abduction Plot Afloat!

Keepers: Sollyn Jhaelian, ND11, Velcro, Gregorious Redmagic, Tommy, Tinkersdamn

Mission: Travel to Mistmarch Town in Breland and discover why their children are disappearing.

Outcome: Successful recovery of the missing children and the discovery of a powerful alliance of Druids.

The Mayor of Mistmarch Town called on us in after they had already made a thorough search for the children. The children would regularly enter the deep woods and would scour them for magic acorns which they could then sell for a little extra money. The town is a small, poor area of Breland and the Mayor feared to make the acorn harvesting illegal because it is a very strong tradition in those parts. Also because a previous mayor who tried to do so was lynched, and the town still burns his image in effigy every year.

Regardless, the tradition is old, but the children had recently started to have deleterious side affects like memory loss, loss of concentration, and in severe cases, they never came home again. We noticed that the people of Mistmarch lived very close to the land, in fact they revered a very old tree that our druid confirmed had once been the tree of a dryad. The tree was still enchanted, although it was being treated for a Cicada infestation.

When we interviewed the children present, we discovered that they all had missing memories, but some of them shared a memory with us that their elders knew nothing of: a strange enchanted lake strange music wafting on the breezes, and distant howling. So following the clues given to us by the children and their elders, we set off into the creepy woods from which the children and gone missing.

Our druid turned out to be an invaluable resource, and I in fact would like to urge our superiors to try and include a druid in any investigation that takes place in the wilderness. We were able to befriend two wolves, a mated pair that was able to provide more information about the mysterious lake.

My trusty steel defender Roary was helpful in dispelling an illusion that concealed a rather tasteless use of cadavers as path markers to the old abandoned town on the shore of a small lake. We saw no creatures in or around the lake, but our investigations made it clear that their was a source of great evil dwelling on the bottom of the lake near an abandoned village nearby that had once been inhabited by the people of Mistmarch.

The old town was not as abandoned as we thought it was. There appeared to be a group of beings abiding there, a group that apparently revered the moon if the tapestries were to be believed. The huts also contained white silk slippers that were spotlessly clean in huts that were not so clean. Sollyn and Velcro surmised they were magic in some way. When they donned them they were able to walk on the surface of the lake.

After we all donned the slippers and crossed to the other side of the lake we found the children at last, cocooned in mother earth, alive but unconscious. It was then that we met the new residents of the old town, a band of Druids in Wolf form who had taken it upon themselves to guard the lake and rescue the children from it. They were wary but agreeable to our rescue mission, and after we took the children home we returned to help them root out whatever infested the lake with evil.

A corrupted naiad had arrived at the lake 3 years to the day after the day of mourning. She attacked us with her cicada allies and we made an end to them all. So we cleansed the lake, rescued the children, and formed a tentative alliance with the Druids. Further plans for the welfare of all Breland are under discussion now to ensure the safety of all the citizens, and a reasonable accommodation made for the sustainable harvesting of magic acorns.

In service to Sharn, Tinkersdamn.

Posted on Sar, Olarune 7, 999 YK in C1S5 by Tinkersdamn