Terrorist Attack Thwarted by Accord Keepers

Keepers: Gregorius Redmagic, Tommy, Tinkersdam, Barnelbus Caprenicus, Ratha

Objective: Collect intelligence information from rich partygoers

Outcome: As far as information collection is concerned, this mission was an absolute bust. Shortly after our arrival, armed terrorist held the entire party hostage with firearms. We were able to defeat the leader of the terrorist cell, as Barnelbus played a very funny song that caused him to fall off a three story balcony to his death, with some assistance from Ratha.

As we were in formal attire, we were without weapons or armor, save for those that we could recover from the gunmen. Thankfully, none of us really need armor, and our strongest fighter, Tommy, is lethal with his fists, so in a sense we were perfectly suited for this sort of mission, with the exception of our artificer, Tinkersdam, who was separated from her steel defender for the entire mission.

We were unable to take any of the terrorists alive, but we do have one lead. On the day before the operation, we spotted a number of mafia members at Waluigi’s Wapizzeria at least one of whom was involved in this operation, a restaurant formerly known as Mario’s pizzeria. Recommend follow-up investigation into Waluigi’s Wapizzeria for more information on the terrorist Hans Gruber and his cell’s motivations for attacking Lord d’Canith at this party.

Posted on Sar, Zarantyr 28, 999 YK in C1S3,Chapter 1 by Gregorius Redmagic