The Ice Age is Coming
We met up with a shifter contact who said he could guide us into the region where the Children of Winter are most active, an area with thin planar boundaries called the Gloaming. On the edge of the Duskwoods we run into a sympathetic druid from the Wardens of the Wood named Geth, we hear the familiar sound of a displacer beast stalking us through the forest but we evaded, focusing on our objective. We get within striking distance of the Gloaming, but knowing that their elder druids could probably squash us with ease, we take a subtler approach. Hollywood disguises himself as a member of the Children of Winter and introduces me as a travelling merchant sympathetic to their cause. I sell them some bones from my homeland and swap stories, they believe that the power that created the Mournlands can be harnessed and actively research the source of this power, they believe the dragonmarked houses are doing the same. They intend to use this power to bring about a global winter to “purge the weak,” and asked me to gather them a narcotic called Nadai which they think can be spread to cull the “weak” among the population. They have an aggressive rival called the Ashbound who could prove useful in the future. They’re planning a great meeting of elder druids in the future, though when remains unknown. We exited the camp, were attacked by zombies emerging from the Gloaming and tracked down the displacer beast hunting us to come home with a prize.