Drugs on the Docks
Keepers: Jinnis d’Kundarak, Tinkersdam, Tilly , Velcro, Light
Objective: Find the source of the new drugs in down below.
Outcome: We found a good lead on the importers of the new drug.
After interviewing many residents of the lower city, we found a lead which led us to a shop along the docks selling tiny harpoons. She said she ran the shop for her grandmother, an importer of exotic goods. The shop was full of the usual touristy items, but also many of the tiny harpoons we had found in proximity to those people who had overdosed on the strange new drug. We had a suspicion that they were they method used to take the drugs. Although very picturesque and cut, they are indeed very sharp. after persuading the shopkeeper to the a short nap, we found evidence in her storage room of blood rituals. The blood in question was in an old wooden box, which we analyzed. We discovered that the blood was in fact form non-magical beings, a detail that puzzled us, but it seemed an important detail. we also discovered a magical guitar pick in the storage room . We took the guitar pick with us and headed to the docks. From our interview of the shop keeper, we went down to the docks where she said her mother worked importing inventory for the shop.
When we went down to the docks we stuck aboard one of the ships and found the exact same boxes and import markings of the boxes we had found in the shop store room. We felt confidant we had found the ship that had been importing the drugs. In and effort to force the drew to abandon ship but faking a fire, but the plan backfired and we were attacked by the crew. During this fight, we were acquitting ourselves well until the leader, a half orc woman with gray hair the we surmised was the importer, and the grandmother of the shop keeper. We executed a strategic withdrawal, sure that we now had some concrete evidence for the origin of the drug.
In serviceto Sharn,