A Half Dozen Things To Do In Sharn (When You’re a New Kid On The Block)

The City of Towers is well known across Khorvaire as a metropolis like no other – a hub of commerce, transport, culture, learning, and industry that rises all the way from underground depths to the very sky itself.  Thanks to a manifest zone of the plane Syrania, the Azure Sky, the layers upon layers of building that would collapse anywhere else instead provides a wealth of opportunities for residents and tourists alike, if you know the right place to look.

Airship gondolas crisscross the various plateaus and byways of Sharn, and are a fantastic way to see and learn about the city without wearing your shoes down on the myriad stairs and bridges that connect them all.  Buskers of every size and style grace nearly every street corner – and woe betide the bard who tries to set up on a corner already spoken for by another – fistfights are the least difficulty you might encounter.

From bottom to top, one must either traverse stairwell after stairwell or pay for a gondola.  But from top to bottom, another adrenaline-pumping option is available: for a few gold, one can purchase a feather falling token that will see you safe to ground level.

The hanging gardens of Upper Dura are sure to be a hit if romance is on your mind – even the birds are likely to be paired off and raising chicks.  Just don’t whistle at a magpie, he might think you’re speaking ill of his wife

If it’s food you are after, particularly a solid sandwich, the author heartily recommends Luigi’s.  Lower Dura may be a rowdier section of town, and the waits may be long (up to two hours at times), but the ‘sandomancers’ absolutely deliver.  On the day the author and others ate there, the special of the day (A ‘Mangione Melt’ – pastrami, salami, pepperoni, pepperoncinis, and two kinds of cheese) was unanimously praised.  A word of advice – indoor seating is minimal, so be prepared to either fight off others (potentially including a crew from the infamous Boromar Clan) or take your sandwich to go.

If the social scene is your preference, Middle Dura features fantastic mansions, with topiary animals and all the other accoutrements expected of the movers and shakers there.  On the day we toured Sharn, the social event on everyone’s lips was the quinceanera of one Maria Robotnik, who may have been disappointed that the popular musician Chappell d’Roan was not playing her party, but the event was a stunning success with a variety of entertainment and fabulous foodstuffs.

If you’re an adventurous sort, willing to brave the rough folk of the Cogs, there are even gems to be found there as well.  One must protect one’s sources, lest the more law-zealous folk peek where they are not welcome, but let me say that it’s all about the ‘cheda’ if you know the right people.

If you are seeking a furry friend of fine breeding to accompany you or brighten your living quarters, the Cat’s Meow will not steer you wrong.  And should, the gods forfend, your pet or any other valued thing of yours go missing, look no further than the private investigator Murphy Law, a warforged who never rests until the job is complete.

Posted on Sar, Zarantyr 21, 999 YK in C1S2,Chapter 1 by H.L. d'Sivis