The Train Job – a druid’s account

Keepers: @Belladonna Tanglefoot @N-D311@Barnelbus Caprenicus @Velcro @T’ggar
Objectives: Escort our VIP along the lightning rail from Thrane to Sharn
Outcome: After thwarting multiple assassination attempts, VIP code named “Mixmaster Flash” was successfully delivered to Sharn.

The team was tasked with escorting a house Cannith VIP code named “Mixmaster Flash” to Sharn via lightning rail. “Mixmaster” was unpleasant, unwilling, and held us in contempt. The feeling was mutual — I have a general dislike for agents of house Cannith. They are responsible for my existence as well as my enslavement. But I am a professional and can behave when necessary. (Scorch, on the other hand…).

The first attempt was a poisoned pillow that we discovered in our initial examination of the VIP’s quarters.

The second attempt was a venomous spider that was quickly dispatched, but not before biting the VIP.If it weren’t for T’ggar’s quick action to neutralize the poison, our mission would be over. The spider gained access to the room via an airduct, so I wild shaped into a squirrel and followed the duct to a room a couple of doors down where I viewed a entire menagerie of harmful critters. We blocked the ducts and noted this threat in case we had to deal with it later. The prospect of seeing new creatures to add to my wild shape repertoire excited me.

A little while, I noticed an elegant female passenger who was interested in meeting wealth men. I blocked her access to the VIP, and Barnelbus intercepted her and they went off to another car to discuss his career. Keeper Velcro, another druid, was disguised as a mouse and provided backup to Barnelbus. [note to self: check with Velcro for an accounting of the events between Barnelbus and this gold digger.]

A suspicious railway attendant attempted to deliver a meal to Barnelbus and his “date”. The food was intercepted and when Bernelbus went to find this attendant, he was shot with a crossbow. Barnelbus, Belladonna and I went after her. We caught up to her in a luggage car. We disdisarmed an explosive trap and then engaged the assassin, eventually killing her. A tattoo identified her as Blood of Vol cultist.

Meanwhile a ninja broke through a window to get into the VIP’s cabin. T’ggar and Velco defended the VIP and was eventually dispatched. The undead assassin with all his venomous pets attacked. It was a bit of work, but we eventually defeated him also.

When we arrived in Sharn, we learned that the VIP was a decoy.

Posted on Wir, Zarantyr 25, 999 YK in C1S1 by Endel (N-D311)
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